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Input and Output

Python Input

In Python, you can use the input() function to get user input. The input() function reads a line from input (usually user input), converts the input into a string, and returns it. Here’s a simple example:
python input from user example - user input example name = input("Please enter your name: ") print("Hello, " + name + "!")


Please enter your name: Sathish Hello, Sathish!
In this example, the input() function displays the string "Please enter your name: " as a prompt to the user. The user can then type their name and press Enter. The text they entered is then stored in the name variable as a string. It’s important to note that the input() function always returns a string. If you want to use the input as another data type, you’ll need to convert it using a typecasting function like int(), float(), etc. For example:
Python input from user example with int type conversion age = int(input("Please enter your age: ")) print("Next year, you will be " + str(age + 1) + ".")


Please enter your age: 20 Next year, you will be 21.
In this example, the input() function gets the user’s age as a string, then the int() function converts that string into an integer. This allows us to perform arithmetic operations with the age variable. When we print the result, we convert the integer back into a string using the str() function. Remember, if the user enters something that can’t be converted to the desired type (like entering ‘twenty’ when you’re expecting an integer), Python will raise a ValueError. You can use a try/except block to catch this error and handle it gracefully. here are some more examples of getting user input in Python:


Python user input example for string First_Name = str(input("Enter your first name: ")) Last_Name = input("Enter your last name: ") print("Your name is : ",First_Name+" "+Last_Name)


Enter your first name: Tutorials Enter your last name: Box Your name is : Tutorials Box


Python input from user example for float type try: float_number = float(input("Enter a floating point number: ")) print("You entered: ", float_number) except ValueError: print("That's not a valid floating point number!")


Enter a floating point number: 2 You entered: 2.0


Python input from user example for List type try: list_input = input("Enter a list of numbers separated by space: ") list_numbers = list(map(int, list_input.split())) print("You entered: ", list_numbers) except ValueError: print("That's not a valid list of numbers!")


Enter a list of numbers separated by space: 1 2 3 You entered: [1, 2, 3]


Python input from user example for boolean type bool_input = input("Enter True or False: ") if bool_input.lower() == 'true': bool_value = True elif bool_input.lower() == 'false': bool_value = False else: print("That's not a valid boolean value!") print("You entered: ", bool_value)


Enter True or False: True You entered: True
Remember, the input() function always returns a string. So, you need to convert the string into the desired data type. If the conversion is not possible (like trying to convert a non-numeric string into an integer), Python will raise a ValueError. You can use a try/except block to catch this error and handle it gracefully.


★python ★ Input ★ ouptut
